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Wildlife Habitat Garden

Selected Projects > Pensthorpe Nature Reserve & Gardens

Working with head gardener Imogen Checketts, Pensthorpe’s Wildlife Habitat Garden has been designed for use by the BBC's Springwatch TV programme and uses suggestions from Kate Humble and Chris Packham, as well as the Dragonfly Society, Butterfly Conservation Society, Mammal Society and BTO, to show millions of prime time TV viewers how they can bring biodiversity back into their gardens. The 'Springwatch Garden' as it is often known, is designed to attract wildlife at all times of year.

Divided into different habitat types and areas: Dragonflies and Amphibians; Bats and Moths; Beetles; Garden Birds; Butterflies; Reptiles and Amphibians; and Bees, and planted accordingly, the garden attracts a huge array of insects and small birds.

The innovative chalk mound provides specific habitat for Blue butterflies and other garden features include rock piles to encourage basking lizards and bug boxes and log piles to encourage Stag beetles and over-wintering bug life. Bat boxes will provide roosting sites.

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